Get Your Life Together Journal [ebook]

Rs. 299

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We get it. Adulting is tough. It’s the 21st century, and we’re all living extremely busy lives. Most of us are doing whatever it takes to leave a big mark behind. But sadly, in the rush to do more, we are all also struggling to keep up.

We may have our email inboxes completely organized, but our personal lives are getting left behind in the rush. We eat fast food to save time, we look for quick fixes to chronic health issues, we hardly find time to workout, and when was the last time we went off to bed at 10 pm?

This 74-page journal is designed to help you understand what you really value in life, and how to make time for the personal (and more important) things in life. The underlying theme that you’ll see running through this journal is ‘you don’t need to compromise on your health and well-being for a successful career’. We will in fact discover through the journal that prioritizing health and well-being will actually make us achieve more in all areas of life, including career!

Most of the chapters will focus on inculcating new habits, letting go of some old ones, and making small changes for a long, fulfilling life. With this journal by your side, we’re sure you’ll feel a beautiful sense of well-being, along with increased productivity, creativity, and energy levels.

Here's a quick index for you:

Chapter 1: Life Audit!
Chapter 2: Mind and Body!
Chapter 3: Digital Detox!
Chapter 4: Home & Space!
Chapter 5: Time Management!
Chapter 6: Gratitude!
Chapter 7: Finding Joy!
Chapter 8: Giving!

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